ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

30 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page F. Our Material Sustainable Matters (cont’d) On the recommendation of our SWG, our Board agreed that focus be given to the following 7 material sustainability matters identified during the financial year (ranked below in order of importance) in Illustration 6 . Illustration 6 Ranking Material Sustainability Matters 1) Business Development and expansion 2) Employee health, safety and well-being 3) Ethics, Governance and Compliance 4) Employment practices 5) Human capital development 6) Cyber security and IT infrastructure 7) Waste Management These 7 top material sustainability matters are further categorised into the following themes: Our management of these key sustainability drivers is explained in the subsequent sections of this Report. G. How we Manage our Material Sustainability Matters 1) Ensuring Sustainable Business Growth (Economic) a) Business development and expansion In addition to ensuring the growth and expansion of our existing principal activities in property development and in the oil and gas services sector, we continue to explore businesses in other industries or sectors to hedge against the usual challenges in our current businesses such as the cyclical nature of the property and oil and gas industries and having to sustain the Group whilst building a deeper and stronger track record in our core businesses taking into account the reinvestment needs in the Group’s current businesses against available resources. The general criteria for such diversification include the ability for new businesses to be self-sustaining in the long run with relatively good growth potential. We do consider both mergers and acquisitions as well as organic growth for both our business expansion and diversification efforts. Of the many investment opportunities introduced to us, Illustration 7 sets out the number of such opportunities that were considered and reviewed by the Group both within and outside our principal activities: Illustration 7 Period FYE 31 March 2016 FYE 31 March 2017 FYE 31 March 2018 FYE 31 March 2019 Number of investment opportunities identified 5 12 23 30 Within our principal activities 4 7 10 17 Outside of our principal activities 1 5 13 13 Economic Ensuring sustainable business growth Social Empowering our people Environment Enhancing resource efficiency Legend: Economic theme Social theme Environmental theme Sustainability Report