ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

28 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page E. Our Engagement with Stakeholders (cont’d) Below are matters of most importance to our key external stakeholders: 1) Substantial Institutional Shareholders - Ethics, governance and compliance; - Responsible sourcing and procurement; - Utilisation of renewable energy at operation sites and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through low carbon development; - Waste management; - Land use and biodiversity impacts - Employee health, safety and well-being; - Employment practices; - Community impacts of properties and development (social license of operation and land use rights). 2) Major Lender - Ethics, governance and compliance; - Employee health, safety and well-being. 3) Major Principal/Supplier - Ethics, governance and compliance; - Responsible sourcing and procurement; - Employee health, safety and well-being; - Employment practices; - Human capital development; - Community impacts of properties and development (social license of operation and land use rights). 4) Major Customer - Ethics, governance and compliance; - Responsible sourcing and procurement; - Utilisation of renewable energy at operation sites and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through low carbon development; - Waste management; - Land use and biodiversity impacts; - Employee health, safety and well-being; - Community impacts of properties and development (social license of operation and land use rights). Some of these matters have been addressed in Sections F and G below. For the other matters not addressed, we will do so moving forward. F. Our Material Sustainable Matters Sustainability matters relevant to our Group and relating to economic, environmental and social issues were identified after our determination and analysis of: 1) the nature of our businesses both current and planned; 2) peer reviews; 3) internal documents; 4) our risk register; and 5) indicators in the Bursa Securities Sustainability Reporting Guide and the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards. Sustainability Report