ENRA Group Berhad Annual Report 2019

26 ENRA GROUP BERHAD ∞ Annual Report 2019 page E. Our Engagement with Stakeholders A sustainable business is one that is conducted in a meritocratic, transparent and accessible manner with an emphasis on accountability and good governance. Our SWG had assessed, identified and prioritised our stakeholders based on our current dependence on them and their influence on our Group’s businesses. At this point in our Group’s growth path, our SWG had identified our people of all levels, our substantial shareholders, a major lender, a major principal/supplier and a major customer as our key stakeholders. Surveys and robust interaction with our key stakeholders provided them a platform to freely and openly voice their views, opinions and concerns on sustainability issues. These engagements are expected to be carried out annually with our key stakeholders. Illustration 3 sets out the main concerns raised by our key internal stakeholders: Illustration 3 Key Stakeholders Main Concerns Raised for FYE 31 March 2019 Responses 1) Employees (including Senior Management (“SM”) and our EXCO) 2) Major shareholders 1) Remuneration and benefits 1) Remuneration bands and salary scales are reviewed frequently guided by various analyst reports from recruitment specialists. This review process helps us attract new talent and retain our people. We aimtomaintain at least amedian rangeof remuneration and benefits for our people. Benefits are also reviewed annually. Understanding the importance of the wellbeing of our people, we consult our brokers annually to ensure the adequacy of our employees’ insurance coverage. Extending the insurance coverage to our people’s immediate family members gives them a sense of peace and contributes positively to general productivity. To alleviate rising living costs, we subsidise parking costs for ALL levels of our full-time permanent employees. Mileage allowances are also reviewed at intervals in our bid to ease the burden to our people caused by fluctuating fuel prices. In appreciation of our people’s dedication and magnanimity with their time by frequently working remotely after hours, we extend phone allowances to ALL levels of our full-time permanent employees. To reward loyalty, our contribution to our people’s Employees Provident Fund increases with every 5-years served. Sustainability Report