Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

Capital Instrument Capital Component Main Features 2) Sukuk Murabahah Programme of up to RM10.0 billion (Programme 2) • Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah shall be utilised to finance the Group’s Islamic banking activities, working capital requirements and other corporate purposes and/or, if required, to redeem any outstanding Sukuk Murabahah issued under both programmes. All utilisations shall be Shariah Compliant. • Upon the occurrence of a Non-Viability Event, BNM, jointly with PIDM, shall have the option to require the entire or part of the nominal value of the outstanding Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah, and all other amounts owing under the Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah, to be written off. • No Conversion into Equity. a) Tranche 1: RM300 million at 5.15% • Type: Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah • Issued on 7 November 2018 • Mature on 7 November 2028 Note: Tranche 1 was called on 7 November 2023 Tier 2 Capital b) Tranche 2: RM400 million at 3.75% • Type: Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah • Issued on 26 March 2020 • Mature on 26 March 2030 c) Tranche 3: RM700 million at 3.60% • Type: Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah • Issued on 21 October 2020 • Mature on 21 October 2030 d) Tranche 4: RM300 million at 4.10% • Type: Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah • Issued on 12 November 2021 • Mature on 12 November 2031 e) Tranche 5: RM400 million at 4.70% • Type: Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah • Issued on 17 October 2023 • Mature on 17 October 2033 2. CAPITAL ADEQUACY (CONTINUED) 2.1 Capital Management (continued) Table below depicts a summary of the Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah and Sukuk Wakalah Programme of the Group (continued): 410 Pillar 3 Disclosure as at 31 December 2023 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023