Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

42. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) Fair value hierarchy (continued) Bank 31 December 2022 RM’000 Fair value of financial instruments carried at fair value Fair value of financial instruments not carried at fair value Level 3 Total fair value Carrying amount Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Financial assets Financial assets at FVTPL – 272,735 – 272,735 – 272,735 272,735 Derivative financial assets – 123,000 – 123,000 – 123,000 123,000 Financial assets at FVOCI 7,000 12,017,378 69,926 12,094,304 – 12,094,304 12,094,304 Financial assets at AC – – – – 3,008,360 3,008,360 3,055,256 Financing, advances and others – – – – 68,151,645 68,151,645 64,901,994 Financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities – 137,324 – 137,324 – 137,324 137,324 Recourse obligations on financing sold to Cagamas – – – – 3,011,090 3,011,090 3,005,343 Subordinated sukuk and capital securities – – – – 2,181,013 2,181,013 2,222,092 Unobservable inputs used in measuring fair value The following tables show the valuation techniques used in the determination of fair values within Level 3, as well as the key unobservable inputs used in the valuation models. (a) Financial instruments carried at fair value Type Valuation technique Significant unobservable inputs Inter-relationship between significant unobservable inputs and fair value measurement Financial assets measured at FVOCI Net tangible assets Net tangible assets Higher net tangible assets results in higher fair value 395 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS