Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

26. INCOME DERIVED FROM INVESTMENT OF DEPOSITORS’ FUNDS (CONTINUED) (ii) Income derived from investment of term deposit-i Group and Bank 2023 RM’000 2022 RM’000 Finance income and hibah Financing, advances and others 1,837,166 1,418,850 Financial assets at: – FVTPL 21,586 2,445 – FVOCI 134,920 105,252 – AC 68,706 40,743 Money at call and deposits with financial institutions 68,822 87,530 2,131,200 1,654,820 Other dealing income Net (loss)/ gain from sale of financial assets at FVTPL (258) 94 Net gain on revaluation of financial assets at FVTPL 272 11,775 14 11,869 Other operating income Net gain from sale of financial assets at FVOCI 41,718 755 2,172,932 1,667,444 of which, Financing income earned on impaired financing 41,464 28,060 Unwinding of net modification loss 15,156 18,751 333 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS