Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

14. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Group Long term leasehold land^ RM’000 Freehold land RM’000 Freehold building RM’000 Building improvements and renovations RM’000 Furniture, fixtures and fittings RM’000 Office equipment RM’000 Computer equipment RM’000 Motor vehicles RM’000 Renovation work-inprogress RM’000 Management information system under development RM’000 Total RM’000 Cost At 1 January 2023 14,796 143 481 35,470 142,176 104,101 498,775 454 6,135 88,531 891,062 Additions – – – 1,715 3,945 7,420 22,652 – 2,208 46,207 84,147 Reclassifications – – – – – 7 8,069 – (325) (7,751) – Disposals – – – (50) (155) – – – – (205) Written-off – – – (23,736) (88,087) (60,159) (198,054) (399) – – (370,435) Exchange difference – – – 1 14 22 15 – – – 52 At 31 December 2023 14,796 143 481 13,450 57,998 51,236 331,457 55 8,018 126,987 604,621 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2023 2,696 – 46 30,745 119,917 93,035 420,176 452 – – 667,067 Depreciation for the year 174 – 35 1,338 5,033 5,069 43,184 – – – 54,833 Disposals – – – – (50) (143) – – – – (193) Written-off – – – (23,646) (87,869) (60,086) (197,879) (399) – – (369,879) Exchange difference – – – – 14 14 12 – – – 40 At 31 December 2023 2,870 – 81 8,437 37,045 37,889 265,493 53 – – 351,868 Net carrying amount At 31 December 2023 11,926 143 400 5,013 20,953 13,347 65,964 2 8,018 126,987 252,753 ^ The leasehold land identified as right-of-use assets for the Group and the Bank as disclosed in Note 12. 316 Notes to the Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2023 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023