Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

SHARIAH TRAINING & AWARENESS During the year, various Shariah training and awareness programmes were planned and organised for the SSC members and the Bank’s staff nationwide. These included: a) Two (2) sessions of Bicara SSC that featured the subsidiaries’ Shariah Committee members as the speakers: Dr. Ahmad Zakirullah Mohamed Shaarani (former Shariah Committee member of BIMB Investment) under the topic “Ta’awun Membawa Berkah” and Ustaz Lokmanulhakim Hussain (Shariah Committee member of BIMB Securities) under the topic “Helah & Surriyah Dalam Kewangan Islam”); b) Two (2) sessions of Bicara Murobbi that featured: Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil under the topic “Pedagogi Ramadhan” and Ustaz Azhar Idrus under the topic “Kemerdekaan Hakiki & Sesi Soal Jawab”); c) One (1) session of An In-Depth Study on Sukuk: Structuring and Issues presented by Prof. Dr. Aznan Hasan; d) One (1) session Knowledge Enrichment on Financing Prototype with Shariah Contract Diversification featuring Prof. Dr. Aznan Hasan, as well as two (2) SSC members as presenters i.e. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Asmadi Mohamed Naim and Dr. Shamsiah Mohamad; e) One (1) session of Securities Commission’s Briefing: Maqasid Shariah Guidance Document, Islamic Capital Market presented by Dr. Azrul Azlan Iskandar Mirza; f) Two (2) sessions of online Shariah training by the GSD personnel to further enhance the Shariah knowledge of staff in addition to Shariah e-learning Modules; g) Shariah e-learning consisting of two (2) Modules, conducted once a year, where it is required 90% of the total staff must complete both Modules; h) Three (3) Shariah awareness sessions conducted during induction programme for new Bank staff; i) Seven (7) Shariah awareness sessions during the onboarding programme for sales personnels; j) One (1) Shariah Risk Awareness for Business Support; k) Two (2) Complaint Sharing Session for Contact Centre and Customer Care; l) Two (2) Knowledge Sharing Session that collaborating Shariah Risk and Group Shariah for SME Banking and Group Social Finance; m) One (1) Knowledge Sharing Session for Organisation and Methods Department; n) Lesson Learnt: Shariah Non-Compliance Risk & Issues by SRM for Business Support. The Bank had also continued to support the elevation of our Shariah and Islamic banking knowledge as well as that of relevant staff by engaging relevant professional bodies and training providers such as Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (“IBFIM”), Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (“ASAS”) and Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals. As SSC members, we and the said relevant staff had attended certification programmes and courses organised by the above-mentioned bodies: a) Certified Shariah Advisor (“CSA”); b) Certified Shariah Practitioner (“CSP”); c) Certified Qualification in Islamic Finance (“CQIF”); 258 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023 Report of the Shariah Supervisory Council