Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

Ongoing Professional Development for Directors The Board acknowledges the importance of continuing education for Directors to ensure that they are well-equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge to discharge their duties effectively and meet the challenges facing the Board. The Board has in place a Development Plan for Directors which outlines the induction programmes, mandatory trainings, technical and leadership programmes and development areas designed to further enhance Directors’ business acumen and professionalism which will enable them to be more effective in discharging their duties to the Group. Directors Conference To keep our Board abreast of the latest sustainability developments and governance standards, we had organised a Directors’ Conference titled “Harmonising Talent and Governance: Leveraging ESG for Sustainable Retention” in FYE2023. This conference aimed to foster meaningful engagement and collaboration among all directors within the Group, offering them a dedicated forum to share ideas, insights, and best practices. By doing so, we aimed to cultivate a culture of collective learning and ongoing enhancement in governance practices. During FY2023, all Directors attended various training programmes and workshops on matters relevant to the Group. Detailed information on the training programmes attended by individual Directors during FY2023 is provided in the CG Report 2023. Newly appointed Directors are required to attend the Mandatory Accreditation Programme (MAP) accredited by the Institute of Corporate Directors of Malaysia (ICDM) and the FIDE Programme accredited by the CLF Leadership and Governance Centre (CLIF), Islamic Finance for Board of Directors under the International Shar’iah Research Academy (ISRA). A comprehensive training programme has been established to ease new Directors into their role and to assist them in understanding the Group’s business strategy and operations. The SC and Bursa Malaysia had on 6 June 2023 announced the roll out of a new mandatory onboarding programme on sustainability for directors of Public Listed Companies (PLCs) on Bursa Malaysia. The MAP Part II: Leading for Impact (LIP) is an extension to the existing MAP, now known as MAP Part I under the Bursa Malaysia Main Market and ACE Market Listing Requirements. The directors are expected to possess current and essential sustainability knowledge to facilitate the effective discharge of their roles, particularly in setting the listed issuer’s sustainability strategies, priorities and targets. This is important as effective integration and implementation of sustainability practices start at the top. Following this, all of Directors have completed the MAP Part II training, except for two (2) Directors who registered to attend the training scheduled in June 2024. Directors Induction Programme For newly appointed Directors, the Company Secretary will organise a Board induction programme where the new Directors are briefed on the governance requirements, which include among others, their disclosure obligations as Directors, the Board Charter, Code of Ethics, Constitution of the Company, the Group’s corporate structure and Schedule of Matters Reserved for the Board. Apart from governance, the induction programme also covers briefing by the respective Management on Bank Islam’s business directions, the risk management and compliance framework, Bank Islam’s operations. Board Effectiveness Evaluation (BEE) The Board recognises that it needs to continuously assess and improve its performance. This is achieved through the annual BEE performed by the BNRC which evaluates the performance of the Board, Board Committees and the contribution of each individual Director as well as identifying any gaps or areas of improvement where required. The BNRC intends to obtain, once every three (3) years, an independent perspective on the Board’s effectiveness and to gain insights on the Board’s performance against peer boards and best practices. During the FY2022, Bank Islam had engaged an external consultant to undertake the BEE to evaluate its Board and Committees’ overall performance. For FY2023, the BEE was conducted internally (with assistance of Group Corporate Secretarial) via online survey questionnaires with additional questionnaires taking into consideration the assessment undertaken by KMPG Management and Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd (KPMG MRC) in the FYE2022 Board Effectiveness Evaluation. 215 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACCOUNTABILITY