Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

Qualified and Competent Company Secretary The Company Secretary of Bank Islam is qualified to act as company secretary under Section 235 of the CA 2016. The Board has appointed the Company Secretary who, under the direction of the Chairman, is accountable for all matters with regard to the proper functioning of the Board as well as to facilitate effective information flows within the Board and Board Committees and between the Management and NonExecutive Directors. Directors have independent and unrestricted access to the Company Secretary. The Company Secretary attends all Board meetings and facilitates communication between the Board, its Committees and Management, and generally assists Directors in the discharge of their duties. The appointment and removal of the Company Secretary require the approval of the Board. Puan Maria Mat Said is currently the Company Secretary and has been with the Group since 1 August 2005. The roles of the Company Secretary are specified in the Board Charter. The list of trainings attended by the Company Secretary during the FY2023 is set out in the CG Report 2023. On top of the above, the Board had undertaken a comprehensive gap assessment which was conducted during FYE2023 to evaluate Bank Islam’s compliance with the new regulatory update from MMLR of Bursa Securities on the disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI). Refinements were made to the Board Charter and BAEC TOR to ensure the COI requirements are clearly stipulated and aligned with the BNM CG Policy and MMLR requirements. BOARD No. of meetings 12 Total meeting hours 37 hours and 30 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 3 hours and 7 minutes BNRC No. of meetings 7 Total meeting hours 12 hours 50 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 1 hour and 4 minutes BITC No. of meetings 7 Total meeting hours 19 hours and 42 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 2 hours and 48 minutes BAEC No. of meetings 9 Total meeting hours 27 hours and 20 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 3 hours and 2 minutes BFRC No. of meetings 13 Total meeting hours 32 hours and 20 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 2 hours and 41 minutes BRC No. of meetings 15 Total meeting hours 53 hours and 54 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 3 hours and 35 minutes BSSC No. of meetings 6 Total meeting hours 21 hours and 30 minutes Average time spent on Each Meeting 3 hours and 55 minutes 214 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023 Corporate Governance Overview Statement