Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

Key Roles: Assists the Board in overseeing the implementation of strategies of IT and digitalisation activities of Bank Islam Group including e-banking initiatives of Bank Islam Key Focus Areas: Reviewed Bankwide IT Budget Reviewed Group Digital Project Update Reviewed Summary of IS Audits and Unresolved Audit Findings Reviewed Cloud Blueprint Reviewed AML Replacement Project Reviewed Group Digital Improvement Initiatives Reviewed API Reference Framework Reviewed Testing Center of Excellence (CoE) Approach Reviewed ITPMO & IT Blueprint Dashboard Reviewed BNM IT CRR Updates Reviewed TM KVDC RMiT DCRA Compliance Report Reviewed Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Engineering Principles and Strategy Reviewed Enterprise Data Architecture & Data Lake Platform Implementation Approach Reviewed FOS Replacement Project BITC No. of meetings 7 Attendance 95.83% f) Board Information Technology Committee (BITC) Key Group Policies From time to time, the Board establishes internal policies and frameworks for Group-wide application to strengthen governance and oversight of its operations. These policies are periodically reviewed to ensure the Group’s Corporate Governance Framework remains robust and is continually updated. The following are some of the key policies and frameworks: Ethical Standards and Behaviour a) Group Code of Ethics and Conduct b) Fit and Proper Policy for Appointment/Re-Appointment of Key Responsible Persons of Licensed Institutions in the Bank Islam Group Strategy a) ESG Risk Management Framework Legal and Compliance a) Group Anti-Bribery & Corruption Statement b) Group Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy c) Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan 2022 – 2025 d) Group Integrity Kit e) Group Whistleblowing Policy f) Group Gift Policy g) Group Business Associates Code of Conduct Guideline h) Code of Conduct & Ethics Board Diversity The Board recognises the importance of diversity in order to remain resilient, relevant and sustainable, in a fast changing and evolving business environment. The Board acknowledges that diversity of gender, age, skillsets, business and industry experience is vital to its effective functioning. The Board has in this regard empowered the BNRC to annually review and evaluate the composition and performance of the Board as well as to assess qualified candidates for Board positions. 209 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACCOUNTABILITY