Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2023

Key Roles: Assists the Board in ensuring that a sound and robust risk management framework as expected by BNM is in place and effectively implemented Provides an independent oversight on the Management’s activities in managing credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk (which includes legal risk, compliance risk, Shariah noncompliance risk, IT risk and business continuity risk), sustainability risk (including climate-related risk) and other relevant risk and to ensure that the risk management process is in place and functioning for the Group Key Focus Areas: • Risk Management and Compliance Reviewed Group Risk Appetite Statement Policy 2023 Reviewed Group Pillar 3 Disclosure Policy Reviewed Group Operational Risk Management (ORM) Policy Reviewed and recommended Stress Testing Policy, GSCEL Policy and Procurement Policy Reviewed and approved Group Liquidity Crisis Management Plan (GLCMP), Group ICAAP Document Policy, Group Business Continuity Management (BCM) Policy, Agent Banking Policy and Occupational Safety & Health Policy Reviewed and recommended Response to 2022 BNM’s CRR Reviewed Risk Management and Credit Management Dashboard Reviewed Compliance Management Dashboard BRC No. of meetings 15 Attendance 100% b) Board Risk Committee (BRC) Reviewed and recommended Group Compliance Risk Assessment Policy, Group Corruption Risk Management Policy (GCRMP), Ethical Wall Policy, Group Gift Policy, Group Compliance Risk Assessment (CRA) Policy, Group Personal Data Protection (PDPA) Policy and Management of Customer Information and Permitted Disclosures (MCIPD) Policy Reviewed and approved Group Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (GABCP) and Outsourcing Policy Reviewed and approved Annual Compliance Review Plan 2024 Reviewed and approved Appointment of Additional Money Laundering Reporting Officer Reviewed and recommended Shariah Compliance Policy for Bank Islam Labuan Offshore Branch • Strategy, Financials and Business Performance Reviewed Strategic Direction Reviewed Corporate Scorecard FY2023 for Head of Independent Units Reviewed and recommended Group Equity Investment Policy Reviewed and recommended Write Off/Partial Write Off Impaired Financing Guideline Reviewed and approved Digitalisation initiatives Reviewed and approved Proposals for new and review of products and services to ensure Bank Islam’s offering remains relevant and competitive Reviewed and recommended Outsourcing related proposals Reviewed and recommended Outsourcing Plan for 2023 Reviewed and recommended Group IT Policy Revision Reviewed and recommended Proposed New Group System Criticality Classification Policy (GSCCP) Reviewed and approved Bank Islam Group System Impact Analysis (SIA) 2024 Result Reviewed Proposed ESG plan and initiatives Reviewed Preparation and Development of Recovery Plan Project 206 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad ◆ Integrated Annual Report 2023 Corporate Governance Overview Statement