Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

OUTLOOK AND STRATEGIC PLANS In the next one to three years, Commercial Banking will support the Bank’s priority on driving Sustainable Prosperity and the Real Economy. Specifically, we will focus on Green Financing in Renewable Energy, Waste Management and Water Treatment, with a target of achieving between 10-15% year-on-year (YoY) growth on the total portfolio value. In addition, we aim to increase our New-to-Bank & New-to-Product assets by diversifying our portfolio, developing innovative solutions, and identifying cross-selling opportunities, targeting a YoY growth rate of 5%. Looking towards 2030, we will mitigate our exposure to high sustainability risk sectors by supporting our clients' transition towards a low-carbon economy and ESG business practices. We will advocate for real economic growth and nurture community upward mobility through social finance by supporting Public Infrastructure projects, Social Finance, and Value-based intermediation (VBI). We will further mobilise our portfolio of Shariah-ESG products and solutions by expanding our sustainability capabilities into new segments beyond solar power. To support this new ecosystem, we will increase our human capital and digital capacity, establishing a digital platform that can handle the end-to-end processing of our customers' financing requirements, improving turnaround time, and enhancing our fulfilment capacity. We will upskill our employees and leverage technology to better meet specific requirements and create synergy between the Bank's business units, providing a comprehensive suite of products and solutions. Our aim is to shift our business model focus towards value creation. Our new Target Operating Model and Client Solutions Model will enable us to achieve this by offering a much-improved customer experience journey. Integrated Report 2022 94 BUSINESS REVIEW Commercial Banking