Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

4. RE-APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS Ordinary Resolution 7 The Board, through the Board Audit and Examination Committee (“BAEC”) had, on 25 January 2023, completed its annual assessment on the external auditors, i.e., Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT (“PwC”) in accordance with BNM CG Policy for the appointment/ re-appointment of external auditors. The assessment covered the following aspects: i. Level of knowledge, capabilities, experience and quality of previous work; ii. Level of engagement with the BAEC and the Management; iii. Ability to provide constructive observations, implications and recommendations in areas requiring improvements; iv. Adequacy in audit coverage, effectiveness in planning and conduct of audit; v. Ability to perform audit work within agreed timeframe; vi. Non-audit services rendered by the external auditors did not impede independence; and vii. The external auditors demonstrated unbiased stance when interpreting standards/policies adopted by the Company. Being satisfied with PwC’s performance in 2022, their technical competency and audit independence as well as fulfillment of the criteria set out in BNM’s Guideline for the Appointment/Re-appointment of External Auditors, the Board, at its meeting held on 30 January 2023, had resolved on the re-appointment of PwC as the external auditors of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2023. 5. RENEWAL OF AUTHORITY FOR THE DIRECTORS TO ALLOT AND ISSUE NEW ORDINARY SHARES IN RESPECT OF THE DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN (“DRP”) Ordinary Resolution 8 If passed, this Resolution will give authority to the Directors to allot and issue new ordinary shares in respect of dividends to be declared before the next Annual General Meeting to be applied towards the DRP. A renewal of this authority will be sought at the next Annual General Meeting. NOTES ON ABSTENTION FROM VOTING Any Director referred to in Ordinary Resolutions 1, 2, 3 and 4, who is a Shareholder of the Company will abstain from voting on the resolutions in respect of his/her re-election at this AGM. All Directors who are Shareholders of the Company will abstain from voting on Ordinary Resolutions 5 and 6 concerning Directors’ remuneration at this AGM. For the record, none of the Directors holds any shares in the Company. NOTES ON VIRTUAL AGM, VOTING RIGHTS AND PROCEDURES 1) The 40th AGM of the Company will be conducted on a virtual basis through live streaming and online remote voting via Remote Participation and Electronic Voting facilities (“RPEV”). The Virtual Meeting via RPEV will be available at https://meeting. Please follow the procedures provided in the Administrative Guide for the 40th AGM in order to register, participate and vote remotely. 2) The venue of the 40th AGM is strictly for the purpose of complying with Section 327(2) of the Companies Act 2016 and Clause 96 of the Company’s Constitution which requires the Chairman of the meeting to be present at the main venue of the meeting. The notification of the venue of the 40th AGM is to inform shareholders where the electronic AGM production and streaming will be conducted. No shareholders/proxies from the public will be physically allowed at the meeting venue. 3) In accordance with Clause 109 of the Company’s Constitution, each member of the Company (“Member”) shall be entitled to be present and to vote at any general meeting of the Company, either personally or by proxy or by attorney and to be reckoned in a quorum in respect of shares fully paid and in respect of partially paid shares where calls are not due and unpaid. Members may exercise their rights to participate (including pose questions via the RPEV) during the 40th AGM. 4) Pursuant to Paragraph 8.29A of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, all resolutions set out in this Notice of the 40th AGM will be conducted by way of a poll. Additional Information Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 467 01 05 03 07 02 06 09 04 08