Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

No. Descriptions Existing Proposed NonExecutive Chairman (RM) NonExecutive Directors (RM) NonExecutive Chairman (RM) NonExecutive Directors (RM) Monthly Fixed Allowance 1. Car Allowance 10,000.00 Nil No change 2. Senior Independent Allowance Nil 2,000.00 No change Sitting Allowance (per meeting) 3. Board 5,000.00 3,000.00 No change 4. Board Committees 5,000.00 3,000.00 No change 5. Other Benefits: Includes benefits that are claimable or otherwise such as leave passage, medical and insurance benefits and other payments made available by the Company to eligible Non-Executive Directors. Based on the above revised benefits, the proposed amount of up to RM1,105,000.00 to be paid as benefits to eligible Non-Executive Directors from this 40th AGM to the next AGM of the Company will be paid on monthly basis and/or as and when claimed or incurred. For the shareholders’ ease of reference, the Board had endorsed the BNRC’s recommendation to provide the breakdown of the total fees and other benefits to be paid to Non-Executive Directors from the 40th AGM until the 41st AGM. The details on the fees to be paid to the Non-Executive Directors are as follows:- Retainer Fees RM1,638,000.00 Sitting Allowances RM1,268,000.00 Other Benefits RM1,105,000.00 Total RM4,011,000.00 Based on the above computation, the total remuneration (retainer and sitting fees together with other benefits) will be RM4,011,000.00 based on the Board’s composition of ten (10) Directors. This amount is lower than the amount approved by the Shareholders of RM4,538,500.00 at the 39th AGM on 23 May 2022 (which was based on eleven (11) Directors). The total remuneration being tabled at this 40th AGM is also lower due to the revision to the composition of the Board Committees undertaken by the Company earlier this year. The Company viewed that the amount proposed is reasonable taking into consideration the Company’s financial health and performance. If the proposed Ordinary Resolutions 5 and 6 are passed at the 40th AGM of the Company, it will be fair and reasonable the Non-Executive Directors to be paid the Directors’ remuneration on a monthly basis and/or as and when claimed or incurred as the Directors have discharged their responsibilities and rendered their services to the Company throughout the relevant period. Integrated Report 2022 466 Notice of the 40th Annual General Meeting