Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

9. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT (CONTINUED) 9.2 Governance Structure To safeguard the IAH’s interest, the investment mandates, strategies and parameters are carried out in accordance with the Group’s governance set-up. The IA governance structure adopted by the Group is as depicted in the following diagram: The roles and responsibilities of the above respective committees are as follows: Committee Responsibility Board of Directors (Board) Responsible to establish an effective governance arrangement to facilitate effective monitoring and control of the overall management and conduct of the IA. The adequacy of the governance arrangement shall be commensurate with the nature, scale, complexity, and risk profile associated with the conduct of the IA. Board Risk Committee (BRC) Assists the Board in performing independent oversight and provides recommendations in respect of the management, operations, and performance of the IA, as well as to play the role of Board Investment Committee. Shariah Supervisory Council Advises and provides clarification on relevant Shariah rulings, decisions, or policies on Shariah matters and endorses the terms and conditions stipulated in IA documentation and ensures that information published is in compliance with Shariah. Management Risk Control Committee Assists BRC in performing independent oversight and provides recommendations in respect of the management, operations, and performance of the IA. Asset & Liability Management Committee • Responsible to perform the oversight function and to deliberate key issues related to the Bank’s asset and liability management and market risk. • Approves and reviews proposals with regard to acquisition, allocation and management of funds to be consistent with the regulatory requirements, liquidity needs and market factors, and also other matters which are market and liquidity risk related and where necessary, making recommendations to the Board Risk Committee and/or the Board. Board of Directors Board Risk Committee Management Risk Control Committee Business Units/Investment Account Units Shariah Supervisory Council BOARD COMMITTEES MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES Asset & Liability Management Committee Pillar 3 Disclosure as at 31 December 2022 Integrated Report 2022 440