Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

4. CREDIT RISK (CONTINUED) 4.6 Gross Credit Exposures (continued) (b) Distribution of Credit Exposures by Sector (continued) (i) Group (continued) 31 December 2021 Primary Agriculture Mining and Quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, Gas and Water Wholesale & Retail Trade and Restaurant & Hotels Construction Real Estate Transport, Storage & Communication Finance, Insurance and Business Services Education, Health and Others Household Sector Other Sectors Total Exposure Class RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM ‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 RM‘000 Credit Risk On-Balance Sheet Exposures Sovereign/Central Banks – – – – – – – – 3,789,685 – – 5,262,565 9,052,250 Public Sector Entities 1,162 – – – – 58,695 8,832 – 234,644 1,397,518 244 – 1,701,095 Banks, Developments Financial Institutions and Multilateral Development Banks – – – – – – – – 943,022 – 374 82,629 1,026,025 Corporate 1,079,683 64,205 966,355 2,793,913 702,350 3,739,417 1,885,932 1,956,311 4,093,785 834,970 143,296 2,100,216 20,360,433 Regulatory Retail 6,426 3,945 52,606 1,023 157,189 103,232 42,637 29,645 81,752 48,037 20,294,212 4,880 20,825,584 Residential Mortgages – – 1,005 – – – – – – – 23,742,863 – 23,743,868 Higher Risk Assets – – – – – – – – – – 3,342 – 3,342 Other Assets – – – – – – – – – – – 1,937,277 1,937,277 Total for On-Balance Sheet Exposures 1,087,271 68,150 1,019,966 2,794,936 859,539 3,901,344 1,937,401 1,985,956 9,142,888 2,280,525 44,184,331 9,387,567 78,649,874 Off-Balance Sheet Exposures Credit-related Exposures 25,443 7,189 110,873 70,971 103,172 409,607 10,372 89,420 109,493 184,349 381,302 157,932 1,660,123 Derivative Financial Instruments – – 361 – 24,175 37 – – 27,773 50,613 – 13,840 116,799 Total for Off-Balance Sheet Exposures 25,443 7,189 111,234 70,971 127,347 409,644 10,372 89,420 137,266 234,962 381,302 171,772 1,776,922 Total On and Off-Balance Sheet Exposures 1,112,714 75,339 1,131,200 2,865,907 986,886 4,310,988 1,947,773 2,075,376 9,280,154 2,515,487 44,565,633 9,559,339 80,426,796 Pillar 3 Disclosure as at 31 December 2022 Integrated Report 2022 410