Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

4. CREDIT RISK (CONTINUED) 4.5 Credit Quality of Gross Financing and Advances (continued) (d) Gross Financing and Advances – Exposures by Geographical Areas 31 December 2022 RM‘000 Gross Financing Of Which: Individual Allowances Collective Allowances Past Due But Not Impaired Financing Impaired Financing Central Region 30,904,086 306,748 510,998 290,032 422,768 Eastern Region 9,980,174 93,516 95,756 8,580 77,717 Northern Region 8,825,148 90,902 146,491 – 88,023 Southern Region 11,281,525 118,043 55,567 4,005 96,403 East Malaysia Region 4,950,924 59,593 26,420 279 52,056 Grand Total 65,941,857 668,802 835,232 302,896 736,967 31 December 2021 RM‘000 Gross Financing Of Which: Individual Allowances Collective Allowances Past Due But Not Impaired Financing Impaired Financing Central Region 26,946,146 215,749 395,781 210,034 436,151 Eastern Region 9,368,591 58,516 68,146 10,063 157,554 Northern Region 8,066,342 43,096 74,751 – 93,755 Southern Region 10,247,330 73,033 17,458 857 105,491 East Malaysia Region 4,589,326 23,972 12,247 – 50,061 Grand Total 59,217,735 414,366 568,383 220,954 843,012 Pillar 3 Disclosure as at 31 December 2022 Integrated Report 2022 404