Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Capital covers our intangible assets, such as our intellectual property, digital systems and proprietary solutions. This capital is particularly important in the banking sector, where innovation and technology advancements are driving changes in the industry. NATURAL CAPITAL Encompasses the natural resources that we rely on, such as water, land, and energy. While we may not be as directly impacted by natural capital as other industries, we still promote sustainable practices and mitigate environmental risks. Inputs • Launched Be U by Bank Islam, a cloudnative digital bank • RM82.7 million in IT/Technology expenses • 39 years of banking experience • 1 new standards/certifications adopted Inputs • 12,784,982 kWh of electricity use • 22,779.35 kWh (petrol) energy used • 180,413 m3 water used • 42.1 million sheets of paper used* * Paper usage is not calculated towards carbon emissions Key Constraints • As the first bank to leverage cloud-based technology to put critical systems online, the Be U project was subject to significant scrutiny, delaying the public release. • Features and enhancements were rolled out periodically, affecting the readiness and impact of the app and compromising organic growth performance immediately post-launch. Key Constraints • SME customers may not share our focus on green financing strategies, as their current priority is on recovering from the impact of COVID-9. Actions to Enhance Outcomes • Identify collaboration opportunities with strategic partners with adjacent offerings, to leverage their immense footprint. • Review and refresh communications and messaging approach to higher-affinity segments to heighten the appeal and uptake of the Be U proposition. Actions to Enhance Outcomes • Introduced financing opportunities that facilitate SME’s adoption of green sustainability practices as producers or users. • Organise environmental awareness programmes for SMEs via online media channels and physical engagements Outputs/Outcomes 2022 2021 No. of downloads of GO by Bank Islam Mobile Banking App (million) 2.2 1.1 No. of awards won 21 15 Outputs/Outcomes 2022 2021 Energy Consumption (kWh) 12,784,982 12,395,485 Carbon Emissions (tCO2e) 8,240.6 7,545.10 Value Creation At Bank Islam Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 37 01 05 03 07 02 06 09 04 08