Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

HUMAN CAPITAL The economic value of BIMB’s intangible human assets such as knowledge, experience, and skills. Inputs • 4,744 total employees: – 2,433 males and 2,311 females • RM784 million in staff costs • RM9.7 million invested in training that supports strategic themes and material issues Key Constraints • Employees across the board face challenges in understanding, adopting and adjusting to the five-year LEAP25 strategy and change initiatives. • Change fatigue arising from digital, operational and cultural strategic transformation objectives. • Expect new technology and infrastructure to support a conducive work environment, and recognition beyond financial compensation. Actions to Enhance Outcomes • Establish the Bank Islam Digital Academy to build digital understanding and drive digital adoption amongst the workforce; to develop, implement and scale up immersive programmes; provide complete suite learning programmes grounded in day-to-day application to real-world business challenges. • Introduce The Digital Young Leaders Programme (YLP), a special management training programme to develop future digital leaders in BIMB. • Bank Islam Live Well Programme focuses on aspects of Emotional and Mental, Financial, and Spiritual Wellness. • Adopt the #Flexwork practice to empower staff in planning their work to increase productivity and create an agile, flexible, hybrid work environment; opened BITIZone@L10, an entire floor of co-working and hot desking workspaces at Menara Bank Islam to promote collaboration and innovation. • Strengthen our risk culture and elevate the risk and compliance culture practice to achieve a sustainable mindset change. • Enhance employer branding and developing young talent through the Bank Islam Youth Ambassador (BIYA) Programme to nurture and mentor young graduates. Outputs/Outcomes 2022 2021 Employee Retention Rate 95.9 96.6 Employee Satisfaction Score (%) 88 57 Salaries & Benefits (RM ’million) 784 698 No. of Employees Trained 4,677 5,069 No. of Employees Promoted 489 423 Average Training Per Employee (man-hour) 35 52 Health and Safety Incidents 145 48 No. of Fatalities (COVID-19 or Others) 0 0 Integrated Report 2022 34 Performance by Capitals Our comprehensive and integrated approach leverages six financial and non-financial capitals to drive our long-term success. By thoroughly assessing the availability and quality of capital inputs, balancing short-term and long-term considerations, and making strategic trade-offs, we strive to create sustainable long-term value that benefits all stakeholders.