Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

41. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (b) Credit risk (continued) (iv) Credit quality of other financial assets excluding cash, short-term funds and deposits (continued) Credit quality of other financial assets by external rating is as follows: (continued) Bank 2022 Stage 1 RM’000 Stage 2 RM’000 Stage 3 RM’000 Total RM’000 Financial assets at FVOCI Debt instrument Government bonds and GG 8,361,333 – – 8,361,333 Sukuk: Rated AAA 2,299,242 – – 2,299,242 Rated AA1 to AA3 1,140,139 151,530 – 1,291,669 Lower than A – 50,298 14,836 65,134 Gross carrying amount 11,800,714 201,828 14,836 12,017,378 Impairment allowances^ 231 481 10,500 11,212 Derivative financial assets Bank and financial institution counterparties 122,144 Corporate 856 123,000 Financial assets at FVTPL Government bonds and treasury bills 49,847 Sukuk: Rated AA1 to AA3 5,011 54,858 Financial assets at AC Government bonds and GG 2,934,910 – – 2,934,910 Sukuk: – – – – Rated AAA 120,346 – – 120,346 Net carrying amount 3,055,256 – – 3,055,256 Other financial assets at AC Other unrated financial assets 480,595 – 4,086 484,681 Impairment allowances – – (4,086) (4,086) Net carrying amount 480,595 – – 480,595 ^ The impairment allowances are recognised in OCI reserve. Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 Integrated Report 2022 348