Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

41. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (b) Credit risk (continued) (iii) Credit quality of financing, advances and others (continued) The credit quality of the Bank’s financing, advances and others are summarised as follows: (continued) Group and Bank 2021 Stage 1 RM’000 Stage 2 RM’000 Stage 3 RM’000 Total RM’000 Financing, advances and others Neither past due nor impaired (“NPDNI”): – Excellent 53,198,963 774,614 – 53,973,577 – Satisfactory 3,178,361 778,566 – 3,956,927 – Fair 166,537 137,945 – 304,482 56,543,861 1,691,125 – 58,234,986 PDNI – 414,366 – 414,366 Impaired – – 568,383 568,383 Gross carrying amount 56,543,861 2,105,491 568,383 59,217,735 Financing commitments NPDNI: – Excellent 8,898,782 179,252 – 9,078,034 – Satisfactory 198,506 3,584 – 202,090 – Fair 35,876 3,537 – 39,413 9,133,164 186,373 – 9,319,537 PDNI – 5,499 – 5,499 Impaired – – 32,046 32,046 Gross exposure 9,133,164 191,872 32,046 9,357,082 Impairment allowances (463,844) (279,621) (272,660) (1,016,125) Net exposure 65,213,181 2,017,742 327,769 67,558,692 Financial guarantee contracts NPDNI: – Excellent 1,434,065 3,275 – 1,437,340 – Satisfactory 357,840 16,079 – 373,919 – Fair 428 172 – 600 1,792,333 19,526 – 1,811,859 PDNI – 11,045 – 11,045 Impaired – – 5 5 Gross exposure 1,792,333 30,571 5 1,822,909 Impairment allowances (23,464) (456) – (23,920) Net exposure 1,768,869 30,115 5 1,798,989 Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 Integrated Report 2022 342