Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

41. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) (b) Credit risk (continued) (iii) Credit quality of financing, advances and others The credit quality of the Bank’s financing, advances and others are summarised as follows: Group and Bank 2022 Stage 1 RM’000 Stage 2 RM’000 Stage 3 RM’000 Total RM’000 Financing, advances and others Neither past due nor impaired (“NPDNI”): – Excellent 56,362,010 1,249,542 – 57,611,552 – Satisfactory 5,492,711 993,602 – 6,486,313 – Fair 225,748 114,210 – 339,958 62,080,469 2,357,354 – 64,437,823 Past due but not impaired (“PDNI”) – 668,802 – 668,802 Impaired – – 835,232 835,232 Gross carrying amount 62,080,469 3,026,156 835,232 65,941,857 Financing commitments NPDNI: – Excellent 6,230,780 137,500 – 6,368,280 – Satisfactory 2,544,577 189,731 – 2,734,308 – Fair 52,339 4,715 – 57,054 8,827,696 331,946 – 9,159,642 PDNI – 10,087 – 10,087 Impaired – – 31,865 31,865 Gross exposure 8,827,696 342,033 31,865 9,201,594 Impairment allowances (343,543) (222,838) (449,263) (1,015,644) Net exposure 70,564,622 3,145,351 417,834 74,127,807 Financial guarantee contracts NPDNI: – Excellent 1,078,020 23,571 – 1,101,591 – Satisfactory 681,327 141,151 – 822,478 – Fair 647 941 – 1,588 1,759,994 165,663 – 1,925,657 PDNI – – – – Impaired – – 599 599 Gross exposure 1,759,994 165,663 599 1,926,256 Impairment allowances (22,508) (1,559) (152) (24,219) Net exposure 1,737,486 164,104 447 1,902,037 Financial Statements 341 01 05 03 07 02 06 09 04 08 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad