Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

26. INCOME DERIVED FROM INVESTMENT OF DEPOSITORS’ FUNDS (CONTINUED) (iv) Income derived from investment of other deposits Group and Bank 2022 RM’000 2021 RM’000 Finance income and hibah Financing, advances and others 21,089 39,928 Financial assets: – fair value through profit and loss 24 314 – fair value through other comprehensive income 1,725 3,978 – other financial assets at amortised cost 426 248 Money at call and deposits with financial institutions 945 1,254 24,209 45,722 Other dealing income Net gain/(loss) from sale of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 14 (194) Net gain on revaluation of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 149 90 163 (104) Other operating income Net gain from sale of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 14 1,800 24,386 47,418 of which, Financing income earned on impaired financing 422 638 Unwinding of modification loss 292 601 27. INCOME DERIVED FROM INVESTMENT ACCOUNT FUNDS Group and Bank 2022 RM’000 2021 RM’000 Finance income Unrestricted investment accounts – Mudharabah 264,924 209,367 – Wakalah 314,792 282,865 Unwinding of modification loss 8,208 5,306 587,924 497,538 Notes to the financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 Integrated Report 2022 314