Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

6. FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (“FVOCI”) Group Bank 2022 RM’000 2021 RM’000 2022 RM’000 2021 RM’000 Financial assets at FVOCI: (a) Debt instrument* 12,017,378 12,526,670 12,017,378 12,526,670 (b) Equity instrument 76,039 77,534 76,926 78,397 12,093,417 12,604,204 12,094,304 12,605,067 * Included in debt instruments are investment made in Malaysian Government Securities (“MGS”) and Malaysian Government Investment Issues (“MGII”) amounting to RMNIL (2021: RM600,000,000) as part of the Bank’s Statutory Reserves Requirements (“SRR”) compliance. (a) Debt instrument at FVOCI Group and Bank 2022 RM’000 2021 RM’000 Malaysian Government Investment Issues 4,344,171 3,497,806 Corporate Sukuk 7,357,640 7,143,163 Malaysian Islamic Treasury Bills 315,567 962,313 Islamic Commercial Papers – 923,388 12,017,378 12,526,670 Movement of allowance for impairment on financial assets at FVOCI: Group and Bank Stage 1 RM’000 Stage 2 RM’000 Stage 3 RM’000 Stage 4 RM’000 At 1 January 2021 403 – – 403 Changes in credit risk (99) – 7,000 6,901 Purchases and origination 64 – – 64 Derecognition and disposal (131) – – (131) At 31 December 2021/1 January 2022 237 – 7,000 7,237 Transfer to Stage 2 (21) 21 – – Changes in credit risk 6 460 3,500 3,966 Purchases and origination 46 – – 46 Derecognition and disposal (37) – – (37) At 31 December 2022 231 481 10,500 11,212 Financial Statements 281 01 05 03 07 02 06 09 04 08 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad