Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

SHARIAH TRAINING & AWARENESS During the year, various Shariah training and awareness programmes were planned and organised for the Bank Group’s Board of Directors (“BOD”) and the Bank’s staff nationwide. These included: a) Two (2) sessions for the BOD on ‘Islamic Finance: What is Next?’ by Datuk Professor Dr. Akram Laldin and ‘Debt Based Products vs Equity Based Products – Issues and Challenges’ by Prof. Dr. Asmadi Mohamed Naim; b) Three (3) sessions of Bicara SSC on prevalent Shariah topics for the Bank’s staff by Prof. Madya Dr Yasmin Hanani Mohd Safian, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Hidayat Buang and Ir. Dr. Muhamad Fuad Abdullah. c) One (1) session of Shariah Ruling and Resolution Training (Shariah Townhall) for the Bank’s Risk Controllers by Group Shariah Division (“GSD”), Shariah Risk Management Department and Shariah Compliance Department; d) Four (4) sessions of quarterly online Shariah training by the GSD personnel to further enhance the Shariah knowledge of staff in addition to Shariah e-learning Modules; e) Shariah Online Quiz consisting of five (5) Modules, another platform for the Bank’s staff to assess their level of Shariah knowledge in understanding the fundamental concepts and principles of Islamic banking with the issuance of a certificate of achievement for each Module; f) Three (3) Shariah awareness sessions conducted during induction programme for new Bank staff; g) One (1) Shariah risk session was conducted at head office as part of Operational Risk Management training, one (1) session at branch level for targeted Risk Controllers (“RC”), two (2) sessions for SME Banking staff, and one (1) session with Contact Centre & Consumer Care staff, all aimed to increase awareness and Shariah risk culture among staff. The Bank had also continued to support the elevation of our Shariah and Islamic banking knowledge as well as that of relevant staff by engaging relevant professional bodies and training providers such as Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (“IBFIM”), Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (“ASAS”) and Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals. As SSC members, we and the said relevant staff had attended certification programmes and courses organised by the following bodies: 1. Chartered Professional in Islamic Finance (“CPIF”); 2. Certified Shariah Advisor (“CSA”); 3. Certified Shariah Practitioner (“CSP”); 4. Associate Qualification in Islamic Finance (“AQIF”); 5. Intermediate Qualification in Islamic Finance (“IQIF”); 6. Certified Qualification in Islamic Finance (“CQIF”); 7. Certified Professional Shariah Auditor (“CPSA”); and 8. Islamic Financial Planner (“IFP”). SHARIAH NON-COMPLIANT EVENTS & INCOME Throughout 2022, we had confirmed the following three (3) incidents of SNC events: 1. Two (2) of the events had occurred at branches that were related to improper execution of aqad for deposit product and granting of financing facilities to a company with SNC activities; and 2. One (1) event had occurred at the head office which was related to the absence of commodity trading for tawarruqbased deposit. We were also informed of the causes of the incidences and noted that the Bank had taken necessary corrective and preventive measures to avoid the same incident from recurring in the future. We also confirmed that the SNC events and their corresponding rectification plans had been presented to us for endorsement and subsequently to the Board of Directors for approval before being reported to BNM according to the prescribed reporting requirements. Integrated Report 2022 234 Report of the Shariah Supervisory Council