Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) 2022-2025 The National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023 (NACP), which was officially launched by the Prime Minister on 29 January 2019 suggested OACP as an anti-corruption document at the organisational level to manage corruption issues. In 2021, the Bank continued to undertake significant work to enhance its corporate governance and integrity initiatives to be in line with the NACP. The work culminated in the development of the Bank’s OACP, 2022-2025, which will serve as the foundation for all the Bank’s initiatives in this area in the coming years. The Bank’s OACP was successfully launched on 14 July 2022 at Equatorial Hotel in the presence of MACC senior officers, representatives from Transparency International and the Bank’s Board of Directors as well as Senior Management. Monitoring and implementation of the OACP action plan and initiatives is done through two (2) main reporting structures, where IGD reports on the OACP implementation to the Group Management Executive Committee and BAEC twice a year and to the relevant regulators on the progress, as and when required. OACP Overview Tailored to BIMB’s needs Formulated through consultation with our experienced external consultant and various internal discussions. Adopting National AntiCorruption Plan (NACP) recommendations Testament of commitment from BIMB to achieve our vision as the preferred Islamic financial institution with the highest standards of integrity, governance and accountability to all our stakeholders. Covering all aspects Chapters were developed in line with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA) Certified Integrity Officer (CeIO) modules and benchmarking exercise against other organisations. Based on CRM Outcome Based on our focused yet comprehensive CRM exercise which considers past data and future possibilities. Collaborative efforts Initiatives were developed through several workshops and discussions. Challenge session was also conducted to determine the viability of the initiatives proposed. 5 CHAPTERS 4 STRATEGIES 11 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 53 POTENTIAL RISKS 161 INITIATIVES Integrated Report 2022 220 Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control