Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

KEY COMPLIANCE INITIATIVES FOR FY2022 • Revised the AML/CFT rules and parameters to reduce false positive to promote more effective alerts generation. • Adoption of technologies, i.e., robotic process automation (RPA) to facilitate screening of orders. • Improvement on High-Risk Customer (HRC) approval process for Business Units (Commercial/Corporate/SME Banking). • Replacement of AML system is in progress to ensure the effectiveness of AML program setting by having a modern and robust AML solution. STRENGTHEN AML CONTROLS • Strengthen controls in managing mule activity via several awareness campaign for targeted customers and general public which include: 1) Published animation video at Youtube; 2) Published awareness comic, general public advertisement via identified platform such as Social Media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter), Corporate Website, Internet & Mobile Banking, branch LCD TV, ATM/CDM; 3) Issued Bank wide memo; 4) Blasted SMS and Electronic Direct Mail; 5) Distributed printed collateral such as tent cards & wobbler to branches; 6) Conducted awareness roadshow to regional offices; 7) Conducted training for front-liners; and 8) Collaboration with East Malaysia regional office. • Strengthen controls in managing mule activity via real time detection through enhanced parameters in eChannels’ Fraud Detection System (FDS). • The Bank participated as one of the pilot banks for the operationalisation of National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) by Bank Negara Malaysia. MULES AWARENESS & CONTROLS • Improved staff competency through certification (AICB/ABS, ICA, ACAMS, ACFE and other regulatory compliance certification). Over 52 staff undertook 11 professional certificates in 2022. CERTIFICATIONS • Continuous education on AML/CFT, Integrity and regulatory training for staff i.e., in-house training, external training (virtual/physical engagement and sharing session with PIDM, PDRM & NFCC). • 35 webinars and virtual sessions organised by external organiser were attended by the staff. • 61 refresher courses and intensive trainings were conducted bank wide. • 3 Essential skills of a Compliance Officer and 5 Coffee with Compliance sessions. AML/CFT, REGULATORY & INTEGRITY TRAINING/ AWARENESS • Publication of learning and awareness materials through Communiqués to all staff at branches and business units. • 30 publications on various topics relating to Compliance, AML/CFT, Ethics & Integrity were issued in 2022. COMMUNIQUÉS Accountability Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 215 01 05 03 07 02 06 09 04 08