Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

Risk Governance The Group’s risk governance provides a formal transparent and effective governance structure that promotes the active involvement of the Board and Senior Management in the risk management process to ensure a uniform view of risks across the Group. The following Risk Committees have been established to facilitate the implementation of the Risk Management Framework. The Group’s ultimate governing body which plays a critical role in ensuring sound and prudent policy and practices in the Group. It provides an effective check and balance mechanism in the overall management of the Group. Board Financing Review Committee (BFRC) Asset & Liability Management Committee (ALCO) Board Risk Committee (BRC) Responsible for: • Reviewing all investment and financing/credit related proposals above specified limits Responsible for: • Overseeing the Group’s activities in managing the following risks: Business Continuity Management Committee (BCMC) Responsible for: • R eviewing the Group’s BCM issues and making appropriate recommendation Financing Committees Responsible for: • Assessing/approving credits and investment/capital market proposals Responsible for: • Overseeing and deliberating key issues relating to Group’s asset and liability management and market risk Market Risk Control Committee (MRCC) Responsible for: • Performing the oversight functions to ensure effective risk management of key issues relating to the overall risk management of the Group Operational Risk Control Committee (ORCC) Responsible for: • Facilitating MRCC in the management of key issues on operational risk Data Management Committee (DMC) Responsible for: • O verseeing Data Management initiatives and establish appropriate action plan to resolve issues on data management Recovery Management Committee (RMC) Responsible for: • O verseeing recovery issues and related operational strategies on recovery • Credit Risk • Market & Liquidity Risk • Operational Risk • Compliance Risk • IT and Cyber Risk • Business Continuity Risk • Sustainability Risk (including climate-related risk) • Any other relevant risks BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD COMMITTEES MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Accountability Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 211 01 05 03 07 02 06 09 04 08