Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

The following diagram provides an overview of the Board Diversity in terms of independence, gender, age, tenure, skillsets and composition: COMPOSITION AGE DIVERSITY GENDER DIVERSITY BOARD TENURE BOARD SKILL/MATRIX NINED 10% NIED 10% 61 to 70 years 60% Female 30% Less than 3 years 70% INED 80% 50 to 60 years 40% Male 70% 3 to 6 years 20% 6 to 9 years 10% 50 to 60 years 61 to 70 years 3 7 Male 7 Female Less than 3 years 7 2 3 to 6 years 1 6 to 9 years Stakeholder management and engagement ESG and/or Sustainability Public sector or governmental body experience Change management and transformation Information technology or digital strategy Human capital or talent management Legal and regulatory including Shariah governance 76% 69% 69% 69% 62% Corporate governance, risk management and internal control Accounting, financial reporting and tax Operations Corporate Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Macroeconomy International or regional business experience Industry experience (i.e. Islamic banking experience) 82% 80% 78% 73% 55% 73% 71% 73% 73% 3 NINED 1 NIED 1 INED 8 Integrated Report 2022 184 Corporate Governance Overview Statement