Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2022

Social Impact 7 Bank Islam Youth Ambassadorship (BIYA) The BIYA Programme focuses on enhancing employer branding and contributing to the development of young talent in Malaysia. The programme, which is now in its third year, aims to nurture and mentor young graduates by providing them with the opportunity to build experience and demonstrate their talents in a supportive environment. The BIYA Programme also facilitates industry-academia engagements that focus on topics relevant to their future careers, such as future trends and future skills for the banking industry, digitalisation and digital banking, digital skills and soft skills. The programme involves year-round engagements and collaborations with universities and student associations in Malaysia, which includes various programmes such as competitions, hackathons, and talk sessions hosted by subject matter experts and industry professionals from BIMB. We also participated in career fairs and hosted industry visits for university students across Malaysia. 8 Training in Sustainable Financing This year, we have launched a new Sustainable Financing training programme for our front-line staff, specifically Relationship Managers and Credit Officers who interact directly with our customers and investors. The programme is designed to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge in Sustainable Finance, with the aim of guiding our corporate customers and investors in incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into their decision-making processes. The training programme is conducted by the Asian Banking School, with customised modules that are tailored to the roles of Relationship Managers from SME, Commercial, and Corporate Banking, as well as Credit Officers from Credit Management divisions. Upon completion of the programme, our staff will be able to: 2021 2020 2022 5236 4729 4754 Identify how banks can support the transition towards a sustainable and low carbon economy Explain “green” and “sustainable” finance and able to identify key factors that underpin the science of climate change Discuss how climate risk impacts the bank and financing customer and relate their role as relationship manager in managing it Total learning hours Total learning hours (excluding mandatory eLearning) 124,727 253,752 168,373 168,329 84,931 188,897 In 2022, the BIYA Programme welcomed 24 ambassadors from 12 universities across Malaysia and the UK. Integrated Report 2022 134