Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Inside This Report 6
Key Messages 9
Message from the Chairman 8
Message from the Group Chief Executive Officer 14
Overview Of Bank Islam 25
Vision | Mission | TAAT Values 24
Who We Are 25
Our Presence 26
How We Are Structured: Group Corporate Structured 27
What We Do: Core Businesses 28
2021 Key Highlights 30
Financial Highlights 30
Business Highlights 31
Awards & Recognition 33
Our Competitive Advantage 34
Significant Events 2021 36
Value Creation At Bank Islam 38
Our Approach to Value Creation 38
Realising VBI 40
Harnessing Capitals 41
Our Value Creating Business Model 44
Stakeholder Engagement 46
Management Discussion And Analysis 48
Operating Environment & Key Market Trends 48
Material Matters 56
Key Risks and Opportunities 60
Strategic Roadmap: LEAP25 64
Strategic Performance Review 66
Financial Review from the Group Chief Financial Officer 74
5-Year Financial Summary 78
5-Year Financial Highlights 79
Financing by Contract 80
Financing by Segment 81
Simplified Statements of Financial Position 82
Statement of Value Added & Distribution 83
Quarterly Performance 84
Financial Calendar 85
Consumer Banking 86
Deposits and Cash Management 89
Commercial Banking 92
SME Banking 95
Treasury and Markets 98
Corporate Banking 99
BIMB Investment Management 102
BIMB Securities 105
Sustainability 109
Sustainability Statement 109
Leadership 136
Corporate Information 136
Board Composition 138
Board of Directors’ Profile 139
Shariah Supervisory Council’s Profile 145
Management Team’s Profile 148
Heads of Subsidiaries’ Profile 157
Regional Managers’ Profile 158
Organisation Structure 160
Accountability 162
Corporate Governance Overview Statement 162
Additional Compliance Information 188
Board Audit & Examination Committee Report 189
Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control 195
Statement on Directors’ Responsibility 211
Financial Statements 212
Directors’ Report 213
Statement by Directors 220
Report of the Shariah Supervisory Council 221
Statutory Declaration 227
Independent Auditors’ Report 228
Statements of Financial Position 232
Statements of Profit or Loss 233
Statements of Other Comprehensive Income 234
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 235
Statements of Cash Flow 239
Notes to the Financial Statements 243
Pillar 3 Disclosure 377
Additional Information 437
Shareholdings’ Analysis 437
Properties Owned by BIMB Group 440
Directory 441
Directory of Main and Regional Offices 441
Ar-Rahnu Branches 448
SME Hub 449
Bureau De Change 450
Vehicle Financing Sales Hub 451
Subsidiaries of BIMB Group 452
Annual General Meeting 453
Notice of the 39th Annual General Meeting 453
Statement Accompanying Notice of the 39th Annual General Meeting 460
Administrative Guide 461
Proxy Form 467