Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

As the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) arm of Bank Islam, SME Banking provides comprehensive Shariah-compliant financing solutions with the mission to support the growth of SMEs and the SME sector. We offer a wide range of products and services that can be tailored to meet individual customers’ needs at every stage of their growth journey. With our comprehensive range of products and services and established track-record, we aim to be the partner of choice for SMEs in the Halal Economy sector. WHO WE ARE SME BANKING KEY INITIATIVES Sustainable Prosperity Increase reach to targeted and untapped segments to grow our business and strengthen the Malaysian SME ecosystem. Strengthening our market presence by growing our financing portfolio in the Halal economy. • I ntroduced the Go Halal SME Financing programme, exclusively for SMEs registered under the Halal Integrated Platform, to enable them to embark on Halal certified businesses. The scheme has a total portfolio of RM100 million. • F orged strategic collaborations with business associations, government agencies and the private sector to assist SMEs in capacity building, provide financial guidance and relief, and to grow the number of Malaysian SME exporters. • E ngaged with universities, business associations and the private sector to raise awareness of available SME financing and BNM-initiated funds targeted at these specific sectors. • F orging partnerships with non-Bumiputera business associations in order to introduce and promote Islamic financing solutions to the non-Bumiputera segment. Customer-Centricity Bridge and strengthen customer relationships through deeper engagement with stakeholders. • E xpanding SME Banking footprint with 5 new Hubs, for a total of 16 SME Hubs across all regions nationwide, to increase customer touchpoints and improve customers’ experience. • C onduct campaigns to promote engagement between customers and consumers. • Conduct staff training exercises to produce well-informed staff capable of delivering exceptional customer service and improved customer experience. Real Economy Support the national agenda of developing the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector and the Halal Industry. • Roll-out of new programmes to meet SMEs’ needs, including the Go Halal SME Financing, the SME Automation & Digitalisation Facility (ADF) and the All Economic Sectors Facility (AES). • W idened outreach and offerings to SMEs by forging strategic partnerships with business associations and key government agencies, thus developing synergies and supporting the growth of the SME sector. • C onducted joint webinar sessions with Strategic Partners to provide business insights and knowledge on financial management and solutions. Digitalisation Establishing the Halal Digital Ecosystem for Small and Medium Enterprises. • L aunched the SMEXpert mobile app to facilitate business growth, knowledge enhancement and wider networking among Malaysian SMEs. • O ptimised digital marketing tools to improve customer reach, increase product awareness and accelerate lead acquisition. BUSINESS REVIEW INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 93