Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

The outlook for the year ahead is more positive, as economic growth accelerates. However, real challenges will remain. The SME and micro-enterprise sectors look set to benefit from higher growth and increased employment, but also face risks from labour shortages and rising inflationary pressure. Larger corporations, with more than RM100 million in earnings also face the additional prospect of higher taxes from the one-off Cukai Makmur, which may result in a slight decline in savings. While households will start rebuilding their savings, a considerable number of individuals and micro-enterprises may face pressure as the finance moratoriums end in March 2022. Consumers’ investment preference may also be more restrained and skewed towards mutual funds, insurance savings and property. Against this backdrop, we are focused on maintaining a strong liquidity position through increasing deposits. To continue growing in 2022 and beyond, we are implementing a series of strategic plans to: • Drive growth in the Individual market and SME segments • Maintain the Individual CASATIA ratio at above 80% of the overall portfolio. • Continue to strengthen and promote our products & business solutions. • Implement continuous process improvements to raise operational efficiency. • Strengthen collaboration with business partners. • Continue supporting BIMB’s VBI initiatives OUTLOOK AND STRATEGIC PLANS FOR 2022 AWARDS • B ank Islam was the Gold Winner in ‘Anugerah Pilihan Pengguna Majlis Tindakan Pengguna Negara 2020/21’ through collaboration between Deposit & Cash Management and Austin Height Branch. • B ank Islam received 3 awards at the ‘Malaysian e-Payments Excellence ≠Awards 2021’: i. Best FPX Bank ii. Best JomPay Acquirer iii. Best FPX Acquirer (Bank). BUSINESS REVIEW INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 89