Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

CONSUMER BANKING PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS Grew our non-national vehicle financing portfolio to 16.4%, up from 14.3% the year before. Expanded our StraightThrough-Processing (STP) mechanism to ten Package Employers, simplifying the loan application process. Switched our Ar-Rahnu contracts to a Tawarruq Structure in March 2021, to improve efficiency Extended the target market for our Personal Cash Line-i personal financing to professionals in Oct 2021 Implemented a Consumer Financing Process Review, the removal of capping & revised DSR in Oct 2021 OUTLOOK AND STRATEGIC PLANS FOR 2022 Competition will remain intense in the consumer banking market as banks target high-growth and higher net worth consumer segments. Uncertainties still remain as the Malaysian economy continues to recover, with the impact of the pandemic still ongoing and many retail customers facing financial challenges once finance repayment moratoriums end. The consumer banking landscape has also evolved with customers shifting to online and other self-service channels. Despite the challenges, BIMB aims to grow our financing by 8% to RM47.5 billion in 2022 through implementing a range of strategies, including: • G rowing our Green Financing portfolio through ESG initiatives such as hybrid & electric vehicle financing and financing for home solar panels. • S ustaining growth in our Packaged Segment and Secured Financing portfolios. • G rowing our customer base of young graduates through our GradONE programme. • B roadening our market presence by opening 20 new Ar-Rahnu branches, 10 new Vehicle Sales Hubs and 4 new Farihan Sales Hubs • L everaging on digitalisation in key areas, including deploying analytical tools for customer insights, improving customer communications and offering more efficient card management via Internet Banking and our GO mobile banking app. • I mproving loan applicants’ experience by simplifying our consumer financing process review and vehicle flow process review. • M aximising productivity by automating daily tasks and analytical tools for business insights, allowing us to focus on and deliver a better customer experience. BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 86