Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

CHALLENGES IN 2021 OPPORTUNITIES IN 2021 • T he prolonged nationwide MCO required branches to remain closed during the lockdowns and also saw the closure of various offices that are vital to the efficient functioning of the banking system, such as lawyers’ offices and government Land Offices, which impacted the speed and number of transactions. • A range of customers showed diminished appetite for our financial product offerings as they faced financial pressure, with some seeking support under the Repayment Assistance programme. • W e pursued a promising new growth market by increasing financing for the Non-Bumiputera customer segment. • E ffectively utilised digital channels for customer lead generation, both through online platforms and through virtual engagements with the Packaged Employer segment. • W e improved operational efficiency and raised employee productivity at Consumer Banking by implanting Robotic Task Automation for a range of routine tasks. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 19’ 20’ 21’ 37,230.69 41,459.23 44,583.46 Total Outstanding (RM Million) 19’ 20’ 21’ 2,207.52 1,964.03 1,956.43 Total Income (RM Million) Asset Growth: 7.5% (2020: 11.4%) Fee-Based Income: 5.2% (2020: -4.1%) Total Income: RM1,956.43 million (2020: RM1,964.03 million) BUSINESS REVIEW INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 85