Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

Consumer Banking is the largest division within Bank Islam and we accounted for 56% of the Group’s net income in 2021. We offer a full range of consumer banking products and services, distinguished by our status as a full-fledged Islamic bank. The range and quality of our products and services saw our share of the competitive Malaysian consumer banking market rise from 4.66% to 4.79% in 2021. Our Total Assets increased by 7.5% to RM44.6 billion during the year, exceeding our target of 6% growth. WHO WE ARE CONSUMER BANKING KEY INITIATIVES Sustainable Prosperity We grew our sustainable revenue streams by expanding our reach and offerings, and by pursuing strategic collaborations with targeted bodies and organisations. • Engaged in continuous collaborative engagements with Professional Associations to promote our financial solutions. • L aunched the WinBig campaign targeted at Government & Package Employers. • E stablished a strategic partnership with Managepay in PLUS through deployment of our terminals • O pened four new sales hubs under our Farihan business. • E stablished a new merchant acquiring business model, called STAR (Strategic Acquiring Partner) which acquired PDRM as an e-Commerce merchant. • L aunched the My Dream Home campaign and Ar-Rahnu Jom Tambah Duit Campaign to accelerate the growth of our financing portfolio. • E xtended our Professional Programme to Home Financing. Customer-Centricity We continued to enhance customer experience by deploying digital solutions and simplifying processes across a range of services. • I ncreased convenience in the Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) financing process by accepting documentation via digital image • I mproved Consumers’ risk appetite by revising the financing amount eligibility and removing the imposition of capping against monthly income for Personal Financing, as well as revision of DSR and the submission of application documents via digital platform. • E xpanded payment channels for Ar-Rahnu to include ATM/CDM and Internet Banking options. Digitalisation We applied digital solutions to pursue new customer acquisition and improve operational efficiency. • U tilised a sales gamification campaign to mobilise for a customer lead generation campaign through the Leads2Win app. • P ursued customer leads online via the EzXcess digital platform. • E xpanded our digital marketing through key social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and via Google Search under our Digital First initiative. • A utomated reporting across seven areas through Robotic Process Automation (RPA). BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 84