Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

PERFORMANCE REVIEW STATEMENT OF VALUE ADDED 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 Net income derived from investment of depositor’s funds 1,441,384 1,497,534 Net income derived from investment account funds 337,411 291,908 Net income derived from investment of shareholder’s funds 459,058 460,635 Net allowance for impairment on financing and advances, net of recoveries (190,738) (208,671) Loss on modification of financial assets (48,911) (136,380) Net allowance for impairment on other financial assets (7,406) 2,757 Direct expenses (10,938) (13,660) Finance cost (89,887) (91,458) Overhead expenses excluding personnel and depreciation (402,697) (354,539) 1,487,276 1,448,126 DISTRIBUTION OF VALUE ADDED 2021 RM’000 2020 RM’000 To employees: Personnel expenses 723,830 663,367 To the government and zakat authority: Taxation and zakat 169,916 163,259 To providers of capital: Dividend to shareholders 226,893 281,536 To reinvest to the Group: Depreciation 59,225 56,546 Retained earnings 307,412 283,418 1,487,276 1,448,126 STATEMENT OF VALUE ADDED & DISTRIBUTION INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 81