Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

STRATEGIC REVIEW Through building strategic partnerships, sharing knowledge and providing our clients with customised financial solutions, BIMB continues to play a catalytic role in the development of Malaysia’s economy, particularly in the SME segment and the Halal Industry. During the year, we continued to build new strategic partnerships and strengthen existing ones, including with key government agencies, such as the Halal Development Corporation (HDC), SME Corporation Malaysia (SME Corp. Malaysia), Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE). Our collaboration with these agencies allows us to leverage on their strengths and offerings to build the capacity of our clients in the SME and Halal industry sectors, including by helping them access governmentbacked credit guarantee schemes like the SJPP and CGC Guarantee Scheme. The Malaysian economy has, repeatedly, proven its resilience but many entrepreneurs in the SME segment and the Halal Industry remain unaware of the opportunities and support available to them. To raise awareness and help them build capacity as they adapted to the pandemic conditions, we organised a series of webinars with our strategic partners to provide information and insights on growth opportunities and financial management. As the Malaysian business landscape adapted to the new reality during the pandemic, we continued to help our clients build the resilience needed to navigate the post-pandemic next normal, by providing them with access to financing and resources to embrace digital and technological solutions to remain competitive. To support their growth, we introduced a range of new financing programmes specifically catering to the needs of SMEs, including the Go Halal SME Financing, with a portfolio size of RM100 million; the SME Automation & Digitalisation Facility (ADF); and the All Economic Sectors Facility (AES) schemes. As we move forward, BIMB will continue to support the development of the SMEs and the Halal Industry in accordance with the national economic agenda and as key growth-drivers for the Bank under our LEAP25 strategy. STRATEGIC PILLARS 5: REAL ECONOMY INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 69