Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

STRATEGIC REVIEW Our customers are at the very heart of our business and our ability to keep growing depends on our ability to meet not just their needs, but their ever-increasing expectations. Strengthening customer-centricity is, therefore, at the very core of our LEAP25 strategy. For BIMB, this means embedding a customer first mind-set in all our planning and configuring our business around a customer-centric approach. With more than 90% of our transactions now going through electronic channels, increased digitalisation will be critical to delivering on this goal, but our approach goes well beyond that, encompassing the customer experience at our physical branches, the quality of our client relationships and integrating customer-centricity into our corporate culture. Our digital initiatives have included the development of specific apps that are tailored to the needs of individual customer segments, such as the GO by Bank Islam mobile banking app for our retail customers, BEST Invest for mutual fund investors and GO Biz by Bank Islam mobile app for SME/ MSME customers. To ensure that we continue to deliver a high level of service, we have continued to enhance the functionality of these apps to deliver greater convenience for our customers and keep-up with their evolving needs. To further integrate digitalisation into our customer-centric approach, we are also leveraging on developing our data analytics capability to provide customers with more personalised and satisfying services and experiences. Even as we accelerate the rollout of our digital customer solutions, we have maintained our focus on improving customer experience at our branches. We have continued to invest in training f rontline staff and new technology to improve customer experience and deliver a seamless service between our physical and digital channels. We also continued to strengthen services for our business customers at branches, with the launch of five new SME Hubs. The new launches bring the number of Hubs to 16, covering all regions, thus increasing the number of customer touchpoints and allowing us to better-serve our customers’ needs. Commitment to delivering on customer-centricity is a key part of our HR strategy and we have continued to invest in ensuring that our people understand, and have the skills to deliver on our customer first approach. Our digital upskilling programme, which we are expanding across our company, includes a strong customer-focused component. We have also continued investing in training and upskilling the staff at our SME Banking Division, enabling them to provide our business customers with the heightened level of service they require in the fast-evolving business landscape. The steps we took during the year are key to our goal of enhancing customers’ experience. However, our focus on customer-centricity goes beyond any particular initiative; rather it represents a major shift in the way that we will approach our business as we move forward. STRATEGIC PILLARS 3: CUSTOMER-CENTRICITY INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 67