Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

At BIMB, our growth strategy and corporate culture are underpinned by our strong values as an Islamic banking institution and VBI. Our Shariah governance f ramework establishes our form as an Islamic Bank, but it is our commitment to our values that enables us to achieve the intended outcomes of Islamic Finance. We believe that our robust ethical f ramework will be a major asset as the world increasingly embraces values-based financing and investment practices, and us embedding them it into every aspect of our business and operations and at the very heart of our growth strategy. Accordingly, we have aligned our overall Human Resources strategy with our LEAP25 strategy, where our people’s capabilities, culture and values are of the utmost importance. Putting these values into action, as part of the restructuring exercise that has seen BIMB emerge as an independent and public listed company in 2021, we are undertaking a concerted effort to ensure that the BIMB Group develops a cohesive common culture centred around our core values. In March, we introduced the 8 Conducts Behavioural Competencies to employees bank-wide. These are eight fundamental traits and behaviours that will serve as a moral compass for our people as we seek to build a highperformance workforce. The 8 Conducts are anchored by our TAAT (Think Customer, Act with Integrity, Advance Beyond, Take Charge) values, integrated into the Group’s policies, guidelines and frameworks. To inculcate the 8 Conducts in the Group’s work culture, we have carried-out awareness and engagement programmes continuously throughout the year, and integrated these behavioural competencies into our employees’ annual performance reviews. We have also acted to strengthen the risk and compliance culture at BIMB through a series of programmes to drive the internalisation of compliance culture amongst our workforce at all levels. Recognising the very human side of the work experience, we established the Bank Islam Live Well Programme, which offers our people a holistic wellness programme that supports their physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial well-being. We also provide employees with education, tools and access to relevant experts, enabling them to receive professional help for their issues confidentially. The value and effectiveness of the programme was proven by the crucial support provided to many of our employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and it will remain a key part of our approach to strengthening the values-based-corporate culture as we move forward. STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE REVIEW STRATEGIC PILLARS 2: VALUES-BASED CULTURE BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 66