Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

STRATEGICROADMAP: LEAP25 BIMB aims to be a champion in offering Shariah Environmental, Social and Governance (Shariah ESG) total financial solutions and to establish its leadership in social finance and digital banking. Our roadmap for delivering on these goals is laid-out in our new LEAP25 corporate strategy, which sets clear targets to be reached by 2025 of: The LEAP25 strategy is anchored on six strategic pillars that are rooted in and reinforce BIMB’s status as a Values-Based Intermediary (VBI). The strategies aligned with these six pillars provide us with the resilience to navigate the uncertain post-pandemic operating environment that is increasingly being referred to as the next normal. Growing our asset size to over RM100 billion Doubling our ESG-rated financing Reducing our cost-to-income ratio below 50% Sustaining superior industry Return-on-Equity of above 15% Increasing our non-fund-based income contribution Creating a positive social impact Nurturing and retaining high-performing talent BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 62