Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

STRATEGIC REVIEW HOW WE RESPONDED OUTLOOK LINK TO • BIMB continuously ref ines our risk management f ramework, which has allowed us to mitigate the impact of geopolitical risks that manifest through various channels. This includes the use of currency hedging strategies to manage the effects of volatility in international exchange rates. • We embraced the opportunity to further grow our Green Financing portfolio offered by the new Malaysian government’s increased emphasis on the green economy under Budget 2022 and the 12th Malaysia Plan. The geopolitical outlook for the year ahead and the medium-term beyond remains highly unpredictable. Geopolitical tensions centred on Eastern Europe have the potential to be highly disruptive to the economic recovery that had been projected to gather pace in 2022. On the domestic front, investors and businesses will continue to take note of political developments ahead of a general election that must be called by May 2023. As we move forward, BIMB will continue to monitor and strengthen the prudential safeguards that we have in place. Capital Stakeholders Material Matters INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 53