Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

STRATEGIC REVIEW HOW WE RESPONDED OUTLOOK LINK TO • We strengthened our human resources policy to align it closely with our LEAP25 growth and transformation strategy. To build the workforce that we need, we intensif ied investment in our human capital to ensure that we are able to recruit and retain the right people, and continued upskilling our existing workers. We sharpened digital skills training across our workforce so that our people can better deliver on our goal of customer-centricity, as well as to achieve productivity gains in a tight labour market. The challenge of being able to attract and retain the right people will remain constant, as the nature of the skills needed by BIMB and our peers and competitors will continue to evolve as we seek to stay ahead of the rapid changes that are reshaping the business and banking landscape. Accordingly, we will continue to look at our recruitment and reward practices to ensure that we remain an employer of choice for the people that we are seeking to attract. • As the global effort to tackle climate change grows, BIMB is moving rapidly to take a leading role in contributing to Malaysia’s transition to a lower-carbon economy. Under our LEAP25 strategy, we aim to double our Shariah-ESG financing from the current 4% of total financing by 2025. • Additionally, we continued to expand our range of Shariah-ESG investment products to capitalise on growing demand for sustainable investments. • We are also working to integrate a comprehensive ESG framework and deeper climate change analysis into our credit evaluation process by mid-2022. Moving forward, we are optimistic about the growing opportunities the transition to a low-carbon economy will present for BIMB, including through increased green and sustainable infrastructure finance capabilities. Capital Stakeholders Material Matters Capital Stakeholders Material Matters INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 51