Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

TRENDS DESCRIPTION IMPACT It is essential that we have the right people in our workforce in order to deliver on our growth strategy and execute our corporate transformation plans. Competition for talent remains intense, though, and the labour market has also faced disruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen many qualified individuals opt for gig jobs and remote working, rather than traditional corporate careers. As a values-based financier, we face the added dimension of ensuring that our people are aligned with our strong corporate values. • The massive changes in the operating environment s i n c e t h e b e g i nn i ng of the pandemic have revealed gaps in skills and preparedness in the human resources base across the economy, as businesses were forced to adapt to labour disruptions, new ways of working and increased digitalisation. Concerns around sustainability matters and environmental stewardship continue to move to the centre, as awareness about the threat from climate change continues to grow. This has led to the lending practices of banks, including BIMB, coming under increased scrutiny, with growing demand for transparency about their environmental impact from regulators, clients, investors and other stakeholders. On the domestic regulatory front, both the SC and BNM released rules and guidelines during the year that emphasised the need for companies to integrate sustainability considerations into corporate strategy and corporate governance. This marks another step towards the emergence of a green economy framework for the nation. • A key development over the last several years has been the strong growth in appetite for climate-aligned and net-zero investment opportunities across Asia, with many investors now conducting carbon footprint analysis. This mirrors the global growth in demand for ESG-compliant investments. • Tighter env i ronmenta l regulations are gradually changing lending practices as banks start to incorporate ESG considerations into their f inancing evaluation processes. Trend 4 WORKFORCE CHALLENGES Trend 5 SUSTAINABILITY CONCERNS AND CLIMATE CHANGE 17’ 18’ 19’ 20’ 21’ 4,758 4,635 4,489 4,568 4,731 Corporate Commercial SME Treasury 5 7 10 15 4 3 30 19 1 2 7 4 ‘20 3 ‘21 ‘19 ‘18 ‘17 15 8 31 Number of Green Technology Customers No. of Employees BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 50 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT & KEY MARKET TRENDS