Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

H o w To N a v i g a t e O u r R e p o r t MATERIALITY AND MATERIAL MATTERS This report aims to disclose information about matters that substantively affect our ability to create value over the short, medium and long-term and to deliver on our core purpose. A thorough assessment on material issues to BIMB was conducted in 2019. Material issues were identified based on an evaluation of how we create value, the impact of the external operating context on the value creation, the material interests of our stakeholders and the principal risks facing the Group. The content of this report focuses on the issues, opportunities and challenges that are material to both our stakeholders and our business, which consequently impacts our performance. By applying the principle of materiality into our reporting disclosures, we present vital topics that influence the Group’s strategy in creating long-term value for our key stakeholders. COMBINED ASSURANCE The report development process is supported by our robust internal control and good governance practices. Assurance for this report is provided by our Board of Directors (Board), supported by external verif ication by PwC Malaysia, our auditors for financial information and providers of limited assurance on selected non-financial information. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This IAR contains certain forward-looking statements relating to BIMB’s future performances and prospects. These statements and forecasts are based on current assumptions, judgements and involve uncertainties as circumstances may change. Various factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements such as a number of emerging risks as well as other factors that could adversely impact our business and financial performance. As such, these forward-looking statements should not be construed as guarantees to BIMB’s future performance. APPROVAL BY THE BOARD BIMB’s Board acknowledges its responsibility in ensuring the integrity of this IAR, which in the Board’s opinion addresses material issues to the Group’s ability to create value and fairly presents BIMB’s performance for the year 2021. This Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2021 was approved by the Board on 15 April 2022, and signed on its behalf by: Tan Sri Dr. Ismail Haji Bakar Chairman Investors Government & Regulators Employees Customers Local Communities STAKEHOLDERS KEY RISK Credit Risk Market Risk Liquidity Risk Operational Risk Climate Risk Information Technology (IT) Risk Shariah NonCompliance (SNC) Risk Regulatory/ Compliance Risk INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1