Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

GOVERNMENT & REGULATORS Stakeholders We contribute to the nation’s economy and help advance the industry through a combinat ion of bes t business practices and sound governance. Topics of Relevance B usiness resiliency that ensures the stability of the financial system Regulation and reporting updates Support for the national agenda How We Engage Industry meetings, discussions and dialogues with relevant agencies Provision of thought leadership and insights within the industry Participation in government-led as well as global initiatives and programmes Value Created Continued commitment towards economic recovery efforts and socioeconomic progress via roll-out of various initiatives designed to help businesses and people impacted by the pandemic. C ontinuous commitment towards VBI implementation so as to realise the sustainability and ESG objectives Involved in JKMPay as pioneer partner to the solution Payment gateway provider for MyBayar Saman with Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) M ATRADE, HDC and SME Corp partnerships to enhance support for SMEs. S upporting BNM’s initiatives including financial assistance and micro financing. Facilitated the social finance agenda Paid RM228 million in corporate taxes to the Government How We Engage Annual General Meetings, Extraordinary General Meeting, Court Convened Meeting and Analysts Briefings Participated in relevant conferences, roadshows, e-conferences, e-forums and webinars Constant meetings and discussions with business analysts and fund managers Value Created 11.1% Return On Equity 0.9% Return On Asset 18.56% total capital ratio RM366.5 million of dividends paid to shareholders INVESTORS Stakeholders We provide updated and detailed disclosures that allow investors to make informed investment decisions, and seek their input on our performance and strategic decisions. Topics of Relevance The pandemic impact on the Group’s f inancial per formance including its business outlook D eliverance of the expected financial performance in light of the listing exercise Addressing the wider sustainability and ESG concerns How We Engage M aintaining relationships with the Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other relevant organisations Reaching out to the marginalised communities to gather information and better understand their plights Partnerships with relevant institutions and organisations to gain insight in tackling current concerns or issues for better sustainability efforts CSR initiatives Value Created 1,000 tablets distribution to underprivileged students nationwide. Flood relief efforts Solar panel installation at Tg Surat, Johor RM1.6 million financing for entrepreneurs via BangKIT micro financing Wacana Selasa webinar on Facebook Live, every Tuesday, discussing various issues with esteemed panelists. Handed over 11 housing units to selected asnaf under the “Baiti Jannati” or “My Home, My Paradise” programme, in partnership with the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) and the Ministry of Federal Territories. LOCAL COMMUNITIES Stakeholders We seek to engage with communities to effectively address their issues and needs, and better understand our role in contributing to the society’s health and wealth. Topics of Relevance Growing expectation on the Group’s contribution to the overall well-being of the marginalised communities Economic concerns and social issu es Financial education and knowledge INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 45