Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

PROCEDURE ACTION Prior to AGM Date 2 Submit request for Remote Participation User ID and Password (Note: Registration for RPEV will open from 25 April 2022. You are required to register to ascertain your eligibility to participate at the 39th AGM by using RPEV). Shareholders are encouraged to register at least 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting to avoid any delay in the registration. Individual Members (a) Open an internet browser. Latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Opera is recommended. (b) Go to Boardroom Smart Investor Portal website at (c) Login with your registered email address and password. [Note: If you do not have an account with BSIP, please sign-up/register with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal for free - refer to Item Step 1 for guide.] (d) Select and click on Corporate Meeting. (e) Go to “BANK ISLAM 39TH VIRTUAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING” and click Enter. (f) Go to VIRTUAL and click on Register for RPEV. (g) Read and agree to the Terms & Conditions. (h) Enter your CDS Account Number and click Submit to complete your request. (i) You will receive a notification that your RPEV registration has been received and is being verified. (j) Upon system verification against the AGM’s Record of Depositors as at 17 May 2022, you will receive an email from Boardroom either approving or rejecting your registration for the remote participation. (k) If approved, RPEV credential will be provided in your email. (l) Please note that one (1) user ID and password can only log on to one (1) device at a time. (m) If rejected, a rejection note will be provided in your email. Please note that the closing date and time to submit your request is by Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 10.00 a.m. Appointment of Proxy – Individual Members (a) Open an internet browser. Latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Opera is recommended. (b) Go to BSIP website @ (c) Login with your registered email address and password. [Note: If you do not have an account with BSIP, please sign-up/register with Boardroom Smart Investor Portal for free - refer to Item Step 1 for guide.] (d) Select and click on Corporate Meeting. (e) Go to “BANK ISLAM 39TH VIRTUAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING” and click Enter. (f) Go to PROXY and click on Submit eProxy Form. (g) Read and agree to the Terms & Conditions. (h) Enter your CDS Account Number and insert the number of securities. (i) Appoint the Chairman of the meeting or your proxy(ies) and enter the required particulars for your proxy(ies). (j) Indicate your voting instructions – FOR or AGAINST, otherwise your proxy(ies) will decide your votes during meeting. (k) Review and confirm your proxy(ies) appointment. (l) Click submit. (m) Download or print the e-Proxy Form acknowledgement. Please note that the closing date and time for proxy form submission is by Saturday, 21 May 2022 at 10.00 a.m. INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 461