Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

. . . VA L U E F O R O U R S TA K E H O L D E R S . VISION The Bank that Advances Prosperity for All MISSION To provide solutions that deliver value OUTCOMES Think Customer Advance Beyond Act with Integrity Take Charge TA AT VA L U E S CUSTOMERS • RM979 million in profits paid to depositors and investment account holders • M ore than RM5 billion provided for new personal financing • M ore than RM3 billion provided in new home financing • More than RM209.7 million provided in new vehicle financing • M ore than RM2.2 billion approved in new Green Financing projects • R anked 4th in customers experience score within the banking industry as conducted by KPMG Malaysia EMPLOYEES • RM698 million paid in salaries and benefits • 423 employees promoted with 258 obtaining professional certifications • E mployee retention rate of 96.62% • Flexible working arrangement to enable remote and virtual engagements that prioritise workers’ safety • Most preferred employer in Malaysia awards (Graduan Brand Awards 2021) INVESTORS • RM366.5 million paid out in dividend • 8.4% return on equity • E arnings per share of 21.87 cents COMMUNITIES • A total of RM2.8 million invested in AMAL activities • A total of RM11.8 million of Zakat paid out to 14 Zakat authorities • M ore than RM3.6 million disbursed through Sadaqa House for the well-being of the beneficiaries • RM1.6 million worth of BangKIT micro financing distributed to help the micro-entrepreneurs in addition to training programmes REGULATORS & GOVERNMENT • Compliance with all regulatory requirements • G uidance and alignment towards industryled sustainability practices with continuous commitment towards VBI • Participation in the creation of ESG book as commitment towards ESG incorporation in all business initiatives • C ontribution of RM228 million in corporate tax OUTPUTS ◆ Providing solutions that deliver value ◆ Serving individuals, we improve access to financial services and enhance quality of life ◆ Serving SMEs and large corporations, we contribute to economic growth, job creation and industry innovation ◆ Serving the nation, we support national goals and ensure stability and progress of the nation’s financial standing ◆ Serving the community, we improve financial literacy, promote inclusiveness and contribute towards a sustainable future Good SelfGovernance Best Conduct D R I V E R S UNDERPINNED BY Premised on the Shariah Principles, we commit to upholding the highest level of integrity in our everyday decisions and actions, in our efforts to uplift our communities and our nation. OUR OVERARCHING GOVERNANCE T H AT C R E AT E . . . TREASURY AND MARKETS CORPORATE BANKING BIMB SECURITIES BIMB INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT 5 6 7 8 INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 202 1 Key Messages Overview Value Creation MD&A Sustainability Leadership Accountability Financial Additional Information 43