Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2021

INPUTS O U R C A P I TA L S . . . . . . E N A B L E VA L U E - A D D I N G Our business model demonstrates how we leverage our six capitals to create value in the form of outputs and outcomes and how we ensure the sustainability of our business for our stakeholders. V B I Entrepreneurial Mindset Community Empowerment FINANCIAL CAPITAL • Total Assets: RM80.2 billion • Total Equity: RM6.4 billion • Total Customer Deposit: RM67.8 billion • Total Asset Under Management: RM1.43 billion • Liquidity Coverage Ratio: 180.1% • Market Capitalisation: RM6.2 billion INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL • Strong brand value with almost 40 years of sustained success as the pioneering, pure, full-fledged Islamic financial institution • Strong reputation as the GLOBAL source of reference for the Islamic financial industry • S trong value proposition through partnerships with key organisations, institutions, and public agencies HUMAN CAPITAL • A diversified workforce of 4,731 employees nationwide, made-up of 2,437 males and 2,294 females • An agile, performance-based, purpose-led culture driven by TAAT values • Over RM8.8 million invested in upskilling employees through training and development programmes MANUFACTURED CAPITAL • Dedicated network of 141 branches and 947 self-service terminals nationwide • Concentrated effort to enhance delivery of digital solutions and deployment of automated processes through major investment in IT development and infrastructure, including cyber-security • Continuous investment in promoting mobile applications and online channels including GO mobile banking app, Sadaqa House and Internet Banking SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL • More than 4.4 million customers served • Beneficial engagements with government, regulators and NGOs to strengthen relationships and contribute to the betterment of the industry and society • Adoption of sustainable practices based on realising the UN SDGs and ESG objectives NATURAL CAPITAL • Continued commitment to Green Financing effort, which focuses on financing within the renewable energy, green technology, and wastemanagement sectors • Emphasis on corporate and social initiatives that promote positive environmental impact • Electricity usage of 1,900,000 kWh (reduction of 80,000 kWh from2020) • 10,363 reams of paper (reduction of 8,721 reams from2020) Responsible Finance Inclusive Growth Talent Enrichment Ethical Practice & Reporting Islamic Finance & Knowledge Sharing S T R AT E G I C P R I O R I T I E S Sustainability Prosperity Values-based Culture Customer-Centricity Community Empowerment Digitalisation Real Economy K E Y R I S K S Credit Risk Market Risk Liquidity Risk Operational Risk IT Risk Regulatory / Compliance Risk Shariah NonCompliance (SNC) Climate Risk M AT E R I A L M AT T E R S M A R K E T T R E N D S Global Uncertainties Stringent Regulations Market Competition Digitalisation Economic Slowdown . . . AC T I V I T I E S DEPOSITS AND CASH MANAGEMENT CONSUMER BANKING COMMERCIAL BANKING SME BANKING BUSINESS ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 BANK I SLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD 42 OUR VALUE CREATING BUSINESS MODEL